Color Sorter Metra 6AS-136


SKU: 818-6AS-136

Based on the provided specifications, here's a product description:

Compact Elite Grain Cleaner

Step into the world of efficient grain cleaning with the Compact Elite Grain Cleaner. Designed for smaller operations without compromising on performance, this cleaner is the epitome of precision and functionality.

Key Specifications:

  • Versatile Capacity: The cleaner boasts a capacity range from 80 to 160 bushels/hour or 2-4 tons/hour, making it the perfect choice for operations that value flexibility and adaptability.
  • Optimal Air Pressure: Operating within a comfortable air pressure range of 0.5 to 0.7 Mpa, it ensures that each grain is treated with utmost care, guaranteeing superior cleaning results.
  • Minimal Air Consumption: Echoing the principles of energy efficiency, the cleaner utilizes less than 63 CFM or 1800 liters/min, offering an economical and eco-friendly grain cleaning solution.
  • Lightweight Design: With a weight of 1124 lb (or 510 kg), this machine offers the advantage of portability combined with a robust build, ideal for varied operational setups.
  • Economical Power Usage: Drawing power between 1.4 to 1.8 kw, it delivers exceptional grain cleaning without a hefty power bill, marrying performance with economy.
  • Space-Saving Dimensions: At 69 inches x 65 inches x 71 inches (or 175 cm x 165 cm x 180 cm), its compact size makes it a suitable fit for spaces where every inch counts, yet requires premium performance.

The Compact Elite Grain Cleaner offers an exceptional grain cleaning experience, tailored for those who need high performance in a compact package. A smart choice for modern agriculturalists seeking the best of both worlds.
