Bish Enterprises

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Andrew Bish from Hemp Harvest Works & Bish Enterprises

This week on the podcast, Lancaster Farming talks to Andrew Bish, the COO of Bish Enterprises and the founder of Hemp Harvest Works, both in Giltner, Nebraska. Bish enterprises is known for its header adapters, and they do custom builds of large-scale headers and research headers for the soy and sorghum industries.

Andrew Bish founded Hemp Harvest Works, under the Bish Enterprises umbrella, in 2017, in anticipation of meeting the needs of farmers in the up and coming grain and fiber sectors of the hemp industry. They also manufacture cultivation and harvesting equipment for CBD growers.

Bish is also the vice president of the Hemp Feed Coalition, a group that is working to gain federal approval to use hemp and its byproducts as a feed for animals, which will create another avenue for hemp farmers to market their crops and give livestock producers another source of animal nutrition.

Bish celebrates the long list of uses for hemp, but says that if the farmer that grows the hemp can’t afford to grow it, then what’s the point? “We have to make it affordable for the farmer. That farmer has to profit from this plant.” And that’s what motivates his work with the Hemp Feed Coalition: creating ways for hemp farmers to be profitable.

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