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Monthly Retainer

Magnetic Separators

OVERHEAD MAGNETIC SEPARATORS Magnetic Separators use a magnetic field to automatically sort non-ferrous and ferrous materials. These self-cleaning magnets remove tramp iron and purify material conveyed in bulk form. Magnetic Separators can replace or retrofit existing equipment to turn your material handling conveyor into a material separation conveyor. Magnetic Separation is permanent, automatic, and continuous when using:
  • Magnetic Drum Separators
  • Magnetic Head Pulley Separators
  • Overhead Magnetic Separators

Magnetic Sepapator Integration

Magnetic Separators can be integrated into existing Industrial shredding systems or incorporated in their design from the start. We offer complete Industrial shredding system design, equipment manufacturing, installation, and after-sale service. Contact an Industrial Shredders sales engineer for more information and assistance with your metal separation requirements.
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