The Einbock Aerostar is our proven classic weeder. It has a very good weeding effect (70% of the success I weeding is done by covering and choking germinating weeds with topsoil). It has a perfect ground control through pivoting forks, sections hanging in chains and long tines.
70% of the weeds can be destroyed with mechanical weed control. The remaining 30% do not damage the culture plant decisively. From the mentioned 70% of the weeds are covered in the germination stage and only 30 % of the weeds are destroyed by being pulled out. Therefore,
correct timing of the operation is crucial. The Einböck Tined Weeder AEROSTAR with a line 40 tines per m working width are standard. The number of tines and the exact tine guidance with a 28 mm long plastic holder offer a higher tine vibration in connection with the working width. This better tine vibration allows a better soil preparation. So more pourable soil, covering the weed, is created.